Issue Position: Youth Leadership, Fitness, Health and Helping Children

Issue Position

In response to the first-ever Report Card on Youth Sports in America released by the Citizenship Through Sports Alliance, Mike created the Congressional Caucus on Youth Sports in 2006. The report card revealed alarming deficiencies in the child-centered philosophy, coaching, health and safety, officiating, and parental behavior and involvement in youth sports in America.

Our nation's children are experiencing obesity in alarming numbers, and research continues to show the correlation between obesity and heart disease, diabetes, and other serious medical issues. Through proper diet and regular exercise, we can manage and sometimes prevent obesity related disease.

As a former youth sports baseball and basketball coach, Mike has seen firsthand the benefit that sports can have in the life of a child. From better grades to excellent interpersonal skills to the ability to make sound and informed decisions, and a healthier lifestyle, there are numerous benefits gained by children's involvement in sports.

Since the formation of the Caucus, Mike has held numerous events and briefings to highlight safety, sportsmanship, access to resources, healthy lifestyles and just having playing a sport with friends and family!

In April 2011, Mike held a "Southeastern NC in Motion" event -- a fun, interactive, and educational opportunity for kids and adults to learn more about leading a healthier lifestyle through better nutrition and fitness. Special guests included the NFL, NCAA, PGA, U.S. Olympic Committee, U.S. Soccer Foundation, and Healthy Carolinians.

In addition to his involvement with youth sports, Mike has hosted an annual "7th District Youth Summit" to provide high school juniors, from all across Southeastern North Carolina, a forum to discuss issues affecting youth and ways to improve their communities and nation.
